Friday, May 2, 2008
The Future

Dating Older

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Spring Break Skanks
This video is one of the cleanest that I have found of their kind. These women are disgraces. It makes me sick that girls can act this way in front of disgusting slimy men with their tongues out. They get a thrill out of being wild. I don’t even think its wild. It is just dirty and filthy. To me, these women scream of disease. If they will act this way to get attention in front of hundreds of strangers, they are bound to have slept with thousands of strangers. I am totally for some dirty dancing, wearing short dresses, and getting frisky. But this is the most distasteful thing I’ve ever seen. I was watching the “E” Wildest Spring Break Moments and there were hundreds of videos like this. There was actually a dancing game called “Sexual Position Dancing.” Why don’t they have a private orgy or keep their sexual talents in the bedroom. Women even screamed for attention while they wrestled (I don’t even think they know what wresting is) in chocolate sauce. Ew. These women simply make it right for men to look at women as objects. It makes if right for them to expect filthy performances by slutty girls.
Monday, April 28, 2008
UPS Whiteboard - International Shipping
After seeing some inspiration on I wanted to share about my experience with the UPS website. A couple weeks ago, after seeing one of the commercials, I decided to see what the website was all about. So I went to I actually had a ton of fun just checking it all out. There was a lot to it. I had the most fun in the area called "The Break Room." In the link called "create your own whiteboard" I actually got to send an Email to my roommate. It portrayed the guy physically writing my note on a whiteboard to her. It was pretty funny. In the directions of the game, it tells you you can't write anything inappropriate to send. I thought that was kind of funny and attempted to send something a little inappropriate anyways. When I first typed it, it literally highlighted the inappropriate word and the guy popped up and told me he wouldn't write the word on the whiteboard. It was so realistic, I actually felt a little guilty. It was really smart too because it discourages negativity on the website. The "Delivery Intercept Game" was pretty entertaining as well. The whole experience made me feel connected to UPS and more excited about the brand.
Heineken: Share The Good!!!!
When I first saw this video, I didn’t think much into it. I thought the visuals were good, the concept was cute, and it wasn’t like every other beer commercial. After reading Bob Garfield’s article in Ad Age, I was a little irritated and mad at him.
Bob Garfield’s article on Adage states this:
This is 2008. We're not in an "It's a Small World After All" era; we're in a "World of Warcraft" era. Pollyanna fantasies don't much scan, especially with the presumed target audience of young men. Not to stereotype or anything, but by and large, men don't drink beer to make the world a better place. They drink beer to cruise women, escape women, wash down nachos and get stinking blotto.
I really couldn’t disagree with him more. I don’t see why he feels the need to by so cynical. In our day and age we are aiming to produce ethical advertising that promotes a better world. I think aiming for “It’s a small World After All” is positive and promotes better life for everyone. Should we instead make a commercial that has men chugging beer and then trying to get into women’s pants because that’s more realistic? I think that this is promoting the good side of beer. That beer can be used as something that brings people together by paying it forward. It’s not promoting over consuming, irresponsible partying, or anything negative. It really is showing the better sides of the product.