Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Where is Everyone Going?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Cruise

Nike Soccer Commercial - Brasil vs Portugal
This commercial is one of the best soccer commercials I have seen. It encompasses the true nature of sports. It shows the passion that the players have for the game and the national pride that the countries have in their teams. It has a playful but competitive vibe. It shows how everyone is a part of the game whether they are the team, the crowd, the referees, or the guy walking into the stadium. It presents so much excitement and energy that it could only get people excited about their teams and the sport. Not only that, but it ties in humor. The ad also plays a fun song that went along great. It keeps you watching the screen and wanting more. I think this ad is nothing short of great.

Friday, February 22, 2008
Waiting the movie.
Wait a minute.
Wait right here.
"Wait" by the Beatles.
Jimmy Wait.(ice hockey player)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
SMU is presenting Crum Gymnasium

Intertextuality (Nike)
This TV commercial made me think of many previous events I had seen and experienced. It first reminded me of the movie Remember the Titans and the resolution of racial tension. Along with that football movie, it reminded me of the battling and hardships that the men had to fight through in Any Given Sunday and Varsity Blues. Ironically, it reminded me of Forrest Gump because of the way the player keeps going and going and seems to just get by everyone. Last, it made me feel a little as if I was watching an automobile commercial because of the changes of weather, and the way that the player held composure through all of the different conditions. Its wierd how many different things popped into my head when I took the time to think about it.
Monday, February 18, 2008
I've played sports my entire life. All sports, every sport. I currently play for the SMU volleyball team. Volleyball is one of the most difficult sports to pick up. I mean, little kids cannot just keep a volleyball alive and older people have to put in a lot of time and practice to be a decent player. The sport is original in the way that you are using a completely different body motion and body parts to play the game. In my position I am required to be one of the most ball controlled people on the court. This video puts my ball control to shame.
This Soccer/Volleyball is played mostly in Brazil. The type of skill that a person has to have to do this is unbelievable. These are some real athletes. There are some Brazilians on the SMU soccer team that attempt to play this down at Dedman but aren't great.
Energizer Japanese Hand
This is hilarious. One of the best and most outrageous commercials I have seen. I don't think that there is anyone who can't relate to this. By the way, why do Japanese people love taking so many pictures? I've traveled a lot and the Japanese are by far the most into their photos.
I wish I had created this ad but I don't think this would have flown in the US.
My friend the Athiest
1)She wants to be original
2)She wants to be the girl with the "dark side" or careless attitude
3)She thinks she is too "tough" to fear something greater
4)She wants someone to challenge her because she is really searching for something to passionately believe in.
5)She is so superficial, she hasn't given any thought to her religion or deeper reasoning, so she came up with this one statement so that she would have something to tell people on the topic.
6) She truly has no belief in God after putting true thought into it and she just presented her thoughts distastefully.
Strict Parenting

It is the wierdest feeling looking back to my adolescence and realizing that they are exactly the type of parents that I will strive to become and the parent I will become. I was allowed enough freedom to grow and experience life, but still had rules and restrictions that were appropriate for my maturity level. They knew exactly what type of person I was. I had strong character, addictive personality, and a dare devil mentality. The boundaries they set for me were exactly what I needed. Hopefully I will be a mother one day. If I am struggling, deciding how to handle or raise my child, the first people I will resort to for advice are my parents.
I was so lucky to have such strong, good parents who had, for the most part, the same beliefs for raising children. The majority of families aren't that lucky.
Kill Them With Kindness
I have gotten to know a lot about people working in restaurants and there are some people that just aren't fun to wait on. The unhappy ones are the worst. They have the most complex, specific orders, want them right away, and ask you for something new every time they see you facing them. They are the worst type of customer to piss off. They are the kind that go straight to the manager when you bring them flour tortillas instead of corn.
The best way to handle these people is with over the top, over exaggerated kindness. When they sit at the table searching for something to ream you about, you just smile and bring them extra of everything before they can ask for it. You find a way to put together their specific, detailed orders and you bring them two drinks instead of one, just incase. You have to stay really focused and attentive. When they realize they have nothing to complain about, it's like you won. They almost back down and give in. It is the best feeling ever.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Breakups are tough
I hate breaking up. I hate causing that kind of pain. Emotional pain is worse than any type of physical pain. It is worse because emotional pain takes over your brain. Everything you do and everything you see is swamped by the thoughts of the pain and hurt you feel. It kills me to think about causing that sort of pain to another person. Plus, the feeling of rejection is painful enough. It is a blow to the gut knowing that somebody you care so much doesn't have the same feelings. It rips me up and makes me cry just thinking about it. I'm going to be more sure before getting involved in a relationship.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
How do we know

Here is my new theory:
I learned in chemistry an atom is the smallest piece of existance known to man. It cannot be split, sliced, or even sevvered. Maybe our entire world is simply an "atom" to an enormous, different type of creation. We would be so minute to this other creation that we wouldn't be able to see or perceive this greater thing we were a part of. We could never know for sure.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Love it

Dating Stinks