I just saw this ad online for the first time. It is everything I’ve learned about cliché Super Bowl ads. It’s hysterical. I don’t if I could have truly understood the irony and humor had I not studied advertising at all. BBDO has done an excellent job for FedEx, which at first, would seem like a company that would not be all that exciting to work for.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Bush booed at 2008 Nationals home opener
I am so disgusted and angry that this happened. I can’t believe the lack of pride and rude behavior of these fans. They should be ashamed. The president of the United States is a person that we chose to lead us. The majority of the people in our country wanted him as our chief. It doesn’t matter if we all don’t agree with him. There should be a national pride and affect for the man. He is just a man. A lot of my disgust comes from the thought of how Bush felt while this was going on. Imagine being honored to come out and throw a baseball for a game, and having the people of your country boo at you. Baseball is supposed to be the great American sport. The fans and people there are supposed to represent great American people who are fans of this American past time. But they go and show complete disrespect and humiliation of our president. I can’t believe the nerve. It was completely rude and unnecessary in all respects. Most of those people wouldn’t have booed if they knew the president could see them doing it.
Final Four is Here and Money is on The Line.
March madness is coming to an end and the final four have made it to the semifinals. American basketball fans and players live for this time of the year. Many of my friends have put money on their favorite teams. I don’t understand the fun in the betting process. The men that I have been around who have money on the games have to sit through the whole game wondering whether they will ever see their money again. The people that have placed bets are not necessarily the wealthiest people. They can’t afford to put a few grand on the line, but they do it anyways. The only justification for the madness is the possibility that they might win big in the end. The problem is, the chance of predicting who will win the whole tournament is really unlikely. Teams are prone to upsets in the playoffs. For this, it is way too stressful and risky for me. I will never be a gambler. Watching money being taken from me with the chance of no return is all around frightening.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Showering is Wasting away my Life