The movie The Kingdom left me squirming, sad, and terrified of the world we live in. The movie was based on a group of Americans who traveled to The Middle East to help with some of the problems there. Their common goal was to find a group of terrorists who had recently bombed a camp. At the beginning, the film had me thinking, "Wow, Americans are such great people trying to help over there and this war will have a peaceful ending." In the end of the movie, both groups of people, the Arabs and the Americans, still had passionate hate and aggression toward the other. It concluded by showing the two cultures never learning to accept each other, and even growing more hateful toward each other in the end. I normally think very optimistically and, therefore, have always thought that the war would end soon, America would "win," and I would live my life in comfort. The movie made me more insecure, scared and sickened then I have ever felt in my life. Our cultures may never learn to get along and live peacefully. They live in a culture that may not seem right to us but who are we to go into their world and tell them that they are wrong and doing unjust things? On the other hand, their culture may be putting ours in danger. So what the hell do we do? What are we going to do when there is another surprise attack, but with nuclear weapons? Are we supposed to fight back and nuke them? Our next world war could actually end our existence. I am now living in discomfort and fear. When will there be a solution? In order to go on with my life I will have to go back to feeling secure. I will once again live my life knowing that I will live to be 100 and not thinking about what is too hard for me to think about.
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