Some people are actually trying to ban cussing. In other words, they want to make the act of swearing illegal. This is
absolute ludicrous. The fact that these people actually think this is a possibility is hilarious. Words are simply expressions of our emotions. When you are extremely happy you might yell
WOOHOOO!!!! at the top our your lungs, and when you are extremely pissed you might yell
FUCKKKK! If you took out these words, it would almost by like taking away the emotion. I don't know who decided to make some words "
inappropriate" and other words appropriate, but they are all important to have. Sometimes people need to be yelled at or offended. And sometimes people need to let that emotion out with a few "
inappropriate" words. . Some words may be hurtful and perceived as rude, but some people ARE just hurtful and rude. The words just compliment who they are. Plus, if we were ever to actually try to ban cussing, where would we draw the line as to what words were good or bad? "Damn" is okay, but "Shit" is illegal?
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