This video is one of the cleanest that I have found of their kind. These women are disgraces. It makes me sick that girls can act this way in front of disgusting slimy men with their tongues out. They get a thrill out of being wild. I don’t even think its wild. It is just dirty and filthy. To me, these women scream of disease. If they will act this way to get attention in front of hundreds of strangers, they are bound to have slept with thousands of strangers. I am totally for some dirty dancing, wearing short dresses, and getting frisky. But this is the most distasteful thing I’ve ever seen. I was watching the “E” Wildest Spring Break Moments and there were hundreds of videos like this. There was actually a dancing game called “Sexual Position Dancing.” Why don’t they have a private orgy or keep their sexual talents in the bedroom. Women even screamed for attention while they wrestled (I don’t even think they know what wresting is) in chocolate sauce. Ew. These women simply make it right for men to look at women as objects. It makes if right for them to expect filthy performances by slutty girls.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
UPS Whiteboard - International Shipping
After seeing some inspiration on I wanted to share about my experience with the UPS website. A couple weeks ago, after seeing one of the commercials, I decided to see what the website was all about. So I went to I actually had a ton of fun just checking it all out. There was a lot to it. I had the most fun in the area called "The Break Room." In the link called "create your own whiteboard" I actually got to send an Email to my roommate. It portrayed the guy physically writing my note on a whiteboard to her. It was pretty funny. In the directions of the game, it tells you you can't write anything inappropriate to send. I thought that was kind of funny and attempted to send something a little inappropriate anyways. When I first typed it, it literally highlighted the inappropriate word and the guy popped up and told me he wouldn't write the word on the whiteboard. It was so realistic, I actually felt a little guilty. It was really smart too because it discourages negativity on the website. The "Delivery Intercept Game" was pretty entertaining as well. The whole experience made me feel connected to UPS and more excited about the brand.
Heineken: Share The Good!!!!
When I first saw this video, I didn’t think much into it. I thought the visuals were good, the concept was cute, and it wasn’t like every other beer commercial. After reading Bob Garfield’s article in Ad Age, I was a little irritated and mad at him.
Bob Garfield’s article on Adage states this:
This is 2008. We're not in an "It's a Small World After All" era; we're in a "World of Warcraft" era. Pollyanna fantasies don't much scan, especially with the presumed target audience of young men. Not to stereotype or anything, but by and large, men don't drink beer to make the world a better place. They drink beer to cruise women, escape women, wash down nachos and get stinking blotto.
I really couldn’t disagree with him more. I don’t see why he feels the need to by so cynical. In our day and age we are aiming to produce ethical advertising that promotes a better world. I think aiming for “It’s a small World After All” is positive and promotes better life for everyone. Should we instead make a commercial that has men chugging beer and then trying to get into women’s pants because that’s more realistic? I think that this is promoting the good side of beer. That beer can be used as something that brings people together by paying it forward. It’s not promoting over consuming, irresponsible partying, or anything negative. It really is showing the better sides of the product.
Deals Deals Deals
I value quality in my clothes above all else. I am the last person to step foot in Forever 21, Charlotte Rousse, or any stores along those lines. I love well made, name brand, cute clothing. The only thing is, It is very difficult for me to buy something full price. I have found so many places with AMAZING sales that I just can't fork over the money to buy something at retail. I have gotten to the point where a 15 or 20 percent off sale isn't even always good enough. The only things that I will buy at full price are bra's, makeup, and nice jewelry. So I put together a list of the best places to find the greatest deals. These are seriously the best ever.
My Faves
Steak and Live Music- Sambuca
Less fancy steak- Kirby's
Uppity sushi and cocktails- Kenichi
Classic sushi- Nandina
Pizza and Wine- Coal Vines
Tapas and Pitchers of Sangria- Sangria's
Best hot dog- Big D's
Greek food- Fadi's
Italian- Maggiano's
Tex Mex and margs- Mi Cocina
Queso and cheap margs- Blue Goose Cantina
Subs- Jersey Mikes
Hamburger- The Porch
Brunch with Bloody Marys and Mimosas- Penne Pomodoro
Country Breakfast- Oasis
BBQ- Dickey's
"Diet" Coke
I decided to do a little researching on the topic and this is a little of what I found:
STUNNING new research from Kaiser Permanente Division of Research has linked dementia to mid-life waist size. This means that if you are 40 and fat you’re three times more likely to suffer from dementia related mental decline as you age.
This is not a severe shock to any of us who have watched a fatty order three burgers and then opt for a “Diet” Coke. If you think the Diet Coke is going to counter act your mountain of food, you are most certainly delusional. Talk about Sin of Gluttony.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Facebook Anthem
I spend a ton of time on facebook. Every day I spend at least 15 minutes on there. I love it. It is the best way to stay in touch with friends when you have a busy life, especially friends that you don't go to school with. Although it's not nearly as personal as calling them or being with them, it is a great tool. I usually check my messages, upload pictures, look at pictures that other people have added recently, and see how my friends from home are doing. My time on facebook would be cut so much shorter if I didn't have to get rid of so much shit. The requests, tests, pokes, sticky notes, horoscopes, and the 800 other million applications you can use on your page are sooooo annoying. Somebody sent me this anthem and I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know why humor that points out the obvious is so funny to me. But somebody must have felt pretty strongly that applications on facebook are a pain to create this song and video.
There Can Only Be One
This video is so inspiring! It is the single thing that got me pumped up for the playoffs. I love this because it is great for everyone. You don't even have to know who these players are or anything about basketball to love it. Anyone can relate to this kind of battle. In this video, they turn the game into a one on one competition. It makes you want to tune in and be a part of it just because you know that feeling and pressure of one on one. It is saying that one of those two men is going to stand out and be the greatest of their time. People who new nothing about the playoffs now know about them. They are filled in on two crutial players who both have similar characteristics. Lastly, the video leaves you wanting more, wanting to know how it is going to finish. So people who see this will be watching the battle.
Even Bigger

There has been hearsay about Starbucks' new tactic being too strange. Some people think that it is wierd that Starbucks is going back to a more traditional way of advertising because they have their advertising techniques have been so non traditional in the past. I think it couldn't be smarter. Currently, they are having prolonged giveaways, where every Wednesday, people can come into the stores and get a free cup of coffee. I think it's great because a lot of people miss out when giveaways are only one day. The coupons are a great idea too because what better way to get men into Starbucks then to give them a free sample of exactly what they want. Many of the people who make comments on the company website have offered ideas to have some kind of reward for loyalty system. Essentially, loyalty is exactly what Starbucks is looking for and I wouldn't be surprised in the least if, sometime soon, Starbucks starts using something similar to this Brewed Coffee Card. Customers want to be rewarded for loyalty. I would love this!

The left right project - adidas originals
The left right project was created by 180. This video is awesome. It connects two sides of the country that vary greatly in their styles, attitudes, and beliefs. This ad promotes the bringing together of the two coasts and forming unity. It is a viral video and is being talked about on hundreds of blogs. Looking over the comments, tere isn't one negative one, which is great for Adidas. Everyone loves their Adidas now. I wish I had created this ad, or come up with the idea. Those huge shoes are great and seeing the process of the artistic work is fun too. All around great show!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Infamous 5 Dollar Foot Long

Monday, April 21, 2008

And Sarah Jessica is rated the lesser sexy...

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Attention Salesmen! I'm your best target!
The same day, I was at Grapevine mills looking at jewelry at one of the stands. I wanted to buy one pair of earrings that I had been needing. The next thing I knew, I was out of the shop with eight new pairs of earrings that all looked about the same, and I had spent way more than I wanted to.
A little while later I was buying looking to buy three pairs of shoes that I was planning to use at work. Like I needed one new pair of work shoes, let alone THREE. Every time I go shopping, I get the more than I planned for. Even in the grocery store I will get the "10 for $10" canned soups. I don't even like soup very much. That's when it finally hit me. I am the ultimate target for any salesman or sale in general. I'm easy. Unfortunately, if someone makes something sound a little better than what I already know, I'm sold.
Rethinking Working Out