First, Maxim is putting these women in the same category...
And Sarah Jessica is rated the lesser sexy...
THIS is unsexy.
And Sarah Jessica is rated the lesser sexy...
I think it is alright for a publication to call a spade a spade or to call a foot a foot. But that is not what Maxim has managed to accomplish. Maxim’s list of most unsexy celebrities was purely for attention. There is no way that these few women were strategically picked or voted as THE MOST unsexy. Out of all of the women in Hollywood, these are really the people who came to mind as the unsexiest? I would understand if they titled it something like “The Most Overrated Sexy Women” or something along those lines. Then at least it would have an ounce of truth. With their title, they are comparing all celebrities, from Charlize Theron to Rosie O'Donnell They only person that might actually belong on the list is Amy Winehouse because her teeth are terrible, she wears God awful makeup, and she dresses like a drug addict. Not to mention she is one. Sandra Oh isn’t even trying to be sexy. And do we really need to drag Britney into another article. I think they could get a little more creative. Sarah Jessica Parker is not stunning. But she definitely has a sexy body and a pretty good looking face. I think that getting criticism comes with being super famous and I’m one to call a foot a foot, she just isn’t one. It is frustrating to see this kind of article because it makes me distrust the magazine. It heightens my belief that all magazines are just trying to stir things up, without any integrity.

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