Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Showering is Wasting away my Life

I work out just about every day. I feel gross after my workouts so I shower. I still shower every day when I haven't worked out because I'm so used to doing it most days, it doesn't feel right to skip a day. Sometimes the last thing I want to do is get in the shower. I hate it because it takes so long and it would just be easier if I could instantly be fresh and clean. I figured out how much of my life showering is really taking.

On average, a shower takes me about 18 minutes. This includes shampooing, sometimes conditioning, soaping, shaving, and washing my face. This doesn't include the time it takes to dry off, apply lotion, and clean ears. This means that I spend 540 minutes a month, or 9 hours a month in the tub. With this, I figured out that I spend 6480 minutes, or 108 hours, or 4.5 days a year in the shower. Four and a half days of every year of my life have been in the shower. 90 days!
Not to mention, most of the time I blow dry my hair right after my shower. It turns out that blow drying takes up at least 2.5 days of my year. I could be making substantial changes in the world during this time.

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