Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The other day I asked a good friend, who happens to be a volleyball player, where she was living next year. She is a freshman so she was deciding where to go from the dorms. She told me that her father wanted to buy her a condominium but that she wasn't going to accept it. She went on about how she didn't want her dad to have a say in who comes in and out of her living space. She is already paying for school because of her scholarship and could easily pay for an apartment with the rest of her stipend. I was a little confused because, if it were me, I would have taken advantage of the situation. It turns out that my friend's dad has a big problem with the guy she is dating. He is a tall, kind, good looking guy who treats my friend very well. My confusion was put to rest when she told me her father doesn't believe in interracial relationships. Wow. I was shocked. I was shocked when I heard that her father doesn't give her boyfriend any respect and won't even go to dinner with the boy. Her boyfriend is half German and half Korean. I would have never even considered their relationship interracial. It is mind blowing to me that people can act this way. I could almost understand if the boy treated his daughter poorly and he made an immature assumption that it was because of the mix of race. The fact that he can just turn away and be so unsporting is really sad. I just didn't know that people were blatantly like this. People never cease to surprise me.

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